MacWorld: Complete Mac Interactive
Macworld Complete Mac Interactive CD)(1994).iso
The Best of BMUG
Bolo Utilities
Terminator Brain
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,137 lines
Copyright ©1993 Steve Israelson
All rights reserved.
Permisson granted for personal use only.
#include <FixMath.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "Brain.h"
#include "terminator.proto.h"
extern int vsprintf(char *sbuffer, char *fmt, va_list arg);
#define MyMenuID 1000
#define MIN_SPEED 10
#define NICE_LAND (1 << ROAD | 1 << FOREST | 1 << GRASS)
#define WATER (1 << RIVER | 1 << SWAMP | 1 << CRATER)
#define UNITS (1 << BOAT | 1 << REFBASE_T | 1 << PILLBOX_T)
#define MAX_MSGS 16
#define MIN_WAIT (60 * 2)
#define PILL_MSG 0
#define BASE_MSG 1
#define MOVE_MSG 2
long thinkStart; /* start time for thinking */
long lastMsg, /* the last time a message was displayed */
lastObstructed; /* the last time we were obstructed */
BrainInfo *brainInfo; /* the info packet */
MenuHandle MyMenu; /* the options menu */
Boolean aggressive; /* menu option */
Boolean laymines; /* menu option */
Boolean clearmines; /* menu option */
Boolean placepills; /* menu option */
u_long newKeys, newTaps, /* new keys to press or tap */
lastKeys, lastTaps; /* last keys we pressed or tapped */
short repeatLastKeys; /* should we repeat the last key? if so how many times */
long msgTimes[MAX_MSGS]; /* timers for the different msg types */
ObjectInfo *closestShot; /* the closest shot to us */
short incoming_shells; /* how many incomming shells */
WORLD_X lastSeenPillx; /* last pillbox we have seen */
WORLD_Y lastSeenPilly;
WORLD_X basesx[16]; /* array of all the bases we have seen */
WORLD_Y basesy[16];
// For Mac fixed point trig routines, full circle is 2 * PI * 0x10000
// We want full circle to be 0x100, so divide by (2 * PI * 0x10000 / 0x100)
// which is 1608 in decimal
/* assume us at 0,0 return angle to x,y (in fixed) */
#define aim(X,Y) ((FixATan2(-(Y),(X))/1608) & 0xFF)
// sin and cos routines are adjusted to take angles in the range 0-255
// and return return values in the range +/-128
#define sin(X) ((short)(FracSin((u_char)(X)*1608L) >> 23))
#define cos(X) ((short)(FracCos((u_char)(X)*1608L) >> 23))
#define rangeFromMe(OB) findrange((OB)->x, (OB)->y, brainInfo->tankx, brainInfo->tanky)
The main brain killing machaine
pascal short main(BrainInfo *theInfo)
if (theInfo->InfoVersion != CURRENT_BRAININFO_VERSION)
return -1;
brainInfo = theInfo;
thinkStart = TickCount();
switch (brainInfo->operation)
if (openBrain())
return 0;
return -1;
return 0;
return 0;
case MyMenuID:
return 0;
Init all our globals. Set up menus.
Boolean openBrain(void)
short x;
aggressive = laymines = clearmines = placepills = true;
lastKeys = lastTaps = lastObstructed = 0;
repeatLastKeys = 0;
lastSeenPilly = lastSeenPillx = 0;
for (x = 0; x < 16; ++x)
basesx[x] = basesy[x] = 0;
lastMsg = TickCount();
InsertMenu(MyMenu = GetMenu(MyMenuID), 0);
CheckItem(MyMenu, 1, aggressive);
CheckItem(MyMenu, 2, laymines);
CheckItem(MyMenu, 3, clearmines);
CheckItem(MyMenu, 4, placepills);
for (x = 0; x < MAX_MSGS; ++x)
msgTimes[x] = 0;
return true;
Trash our menus.
void closeBrain(void)
Do a menu, maybe someday actually do something here.
short doMenu(short item)
switch (item)
case 1:
CheckItem(MyMenu, 1, aggressive ^= 1);
case 2:
CheckItem(MyMenu, 2, laymines ^= 1);
case 3:
CheckItem(MyMenu, 3, clearmines ^= 1);
case 4:
CheckItem(MyMenu, 4, placepills ^= 1);
return -1;
return 0;
I think, therfore I kill. Do man actions, then move actions, then others.
void think(void)
newKeys = 0;
newTaps = 0;
if (!doMan()) /* place pills, lay mines */
*(brainInfo->holdkeys) = newKeys;
*(brainInfo->tapkeys) = newTaps;
lastKeys = newKeys;
lastTaps = newTaps;
Move our tank, sitting still is useless unless we are refuling.
You should rank these according the priority you think these are.
Boolean doMove(void)
if (avoidDeepWater())
return true;
if (avoidMines())
return true;
if (checkObstructions())
return true;
if (avoidShots())
return true;
if (avoidPill())
return true;
if (avoidEnemy())
return true;
if (getMan())
return true;
if (avoidWater())
return true;
if (approachEnemyPill())
return true;
if (approachBase())
return true;
if (approachEnemyBase())
return true;
/* if nothing to do then speed up! Places to go etc.. */
return false;
Refuel if we are low. Capture nearby neutral bases.
Boolean approachBase(void)
long range;
ObjectInfo *ob;
short x, closestBase = -1;
long minDistance = 0x7fffffff;
Boolean found;
if (!brainInfo->base) /* no base nearby so look for some farther away */
for (ob = &brainInfo->objects[0]; ob < &brainInfo->objects[brainInfo->num_objects]; ob++)
if (ob->info & OBJECT_HOSTILE)
if (ob->object == OBJECT_REFBASE && ob->info & OBJECT_NEUTRAL)
range = rangeFromMe(ob);
if ((range >> 8) < 14)
if (nearestEnemyPill(ob->x, ob->y)) /* should check distance here ##### */
/*sendDebugMsg(BASE_MSG, "B%d,%d", (int)(ob->x >> 8), (int)(ob->y >> 8));*/
approachSpace(ob->x, ob->y);
return speedUp();
if (!brainInfo->carriedpills && brainInfo->armour > 7
&& brainInfo->shells > 20 && brainInfo->mines > 10)
/* no acceptable base nearby, so if we need it, lets find one we have been to before */
if (brainInfo->armour < 4)
for (x = 0; x < 16; ++x)
if (basesx[x] || basesy[x])
range = findrange(basesx[x], basesy[x], brainInfo->tankx, brainInfo->tanky);
if (range < minDistance)
minDistance = range;
closestBase = x;
if (closestBase != -1)
/* sendDebugMsg(BASE_MSG, "Seek RB %d,%d",basesx[closestBase] >> 8,basesy[closestBase] >> 8); */
approachSpace(basesx[closestBase], basesy[closestBase]);
return true;
return false;
/* nearby hostile base, ignore -- later maybee we should kill it */
if (brainInfo->base->info & OBJECT_HOSTILE)
return false;
/* are we on a base, if so sit still */
if (terrainSpot() == REFBASE_T)
found = false;
for (x = 0; x < 16; ++x)
if (basesx[x] || basesy[x])
if ((basesx[x] >> 8) == (brainInfo->tankx >> 8)
&& (basesy[x] >> 8) == (brainInfo->tanky >> 8))
found = true;
if (!found) /* add to our database */
for (x = 0; x < 16; ++x)
if (basesx[x] || basesy[x])
basesx[x] = brainInfo->tankx;
basesy[x] = brainInfo->tanky;
/* sendDebugMsg(BASE_MSG, "RBS %d,%d", brainInfo->tankx >> 8, brainInfo->tanky >> 8); */
/* stay on the base until fueled */
if (brainInfo->base_armour > MIN_BASE_ARMOUR && brainInfo->armour != 8)
return true;
if (brainInfo->base_shells && brainInfo->shells != 40)
return true;
if (brainInfo->base_mines && brainInfo->mines != 40)
return true;
/* lets get going, places to go things to kill */
return false;
/* approach the nearby base, unless there is an enemy pill nearby */
if (!(brainInfo->base->info & OBJECT_NEUTRAL)
&& !(brainInfo->carriedpills && brainInfo->man_status == 0)
&& brainInfo->armour > 7
&& brainInfo->shells > 20 && brainInfo->mines > 10)
return false;
if (brainInfo->base_armour <= MIN_BASE_ARMOUR || brainInfo->base_shells == 0
|| brainInfo->base_mines == 0)
return false;
if (nearestEnemyPill(brainInfo->base->x, brainInfo->base->y)) /* should check distance here ##### */
return false;
/*sendDebugMsg(BASE_MSG, "CB%d,%d", (int)(brainInfo->base->x >> 8), (int)(brainInfo->base->y >> 8));*/
approachSpace(brainInfo->base->x, brainInfo->base->y);
range = rangeFromMe(brainInfo->base);
if ((range >> 8) < 2 && brainInfo->speed > MIN_SPEED)
return true;
Add code here to destroy!
Boolean approachEnemyBase(void)
Are we stuck? then get unstuck and get going, busy busy busy.
Boolean checkObstructions(void)
TERRAIN nearSpace;
short x, y;
Boolean tryNewApproach = false; /* try something else cause were still stuck */
if (lastObstructed || brainInfo->tankobstructed)
sendDebugMsg(MOVE_MSG, "stk");
x = brainInfo->tankx >> 8;
y = brainInfo->tanky >> 8;
if (!lastObstructed)
lastObstructed = TickCount() + 60;
else if (lastObstructed < TickCount())
lastObstructed = 0;
if (lastObstructed && lastObstructed < TickCount() + 20)
tryNewApproach = true;
nearSpace = raw_getmapcell(x - 1, y) & TERRAIN_MASK;
if (nearSpace != BUILDING && nearSpace != HALFBUILDING && nearSpace != DEEPSEA)
if (!tryNewApproach)
approachSpace((x - 1) << 8, y << 8);
return speedUp();
tryNewApproach = false;
nearSpace = raw_getmapcell(x + 1, y) & TERRAIN_MASK;
if (nearSpace != BUILDING && nearSpace != HALFBUILDING && nearSpace != DEEPSEA)
if (!tryNewApproach)
approachSpace((x + 1) << 8, (y) << 8);
return speedUp();
tryNewApproach = false;
nearSpace = raw_getmapcell(x, y - 1) & TERRAIN_MASK;
if (nearSpace != BUILDING && nearSpace != HALFBUILDING && nearSpace != DEEPSEA)
if (!tryNewApproach)
approachSpace((x) << 8, (y - 1) << 8);
return speedUp();
tryNewApproach = false;
nearSpace = raw_getmapcell(x, y + 1) & TERRAIN_MASK;
if (nearSpace != BUILDING && nearSpace != HALFBUILDING && nearSpace != DEEPSEA)
if (!tryNewApproach)
approachSpace((x) << 8, (y + 1) << 8);
return speedUp();
tryNewApproach = false;
sendDebugMsg(MOVE_MSG, "fire");
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, BUILDING, 1, 128))
approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, HALFBUILDING, 1, 128);
setkey(newTaps, KEY_shoot);
return true;
return false;
Select the best route to travel. Randomly turn for variety.
Boolean selectRoute(void)
u_char x, y;
if (repeatLastKeys)
newKeys = lastKeys;
return true;
if (rnd(0, 100) < 98)
/* if it is close, then why turn */
if (findObject(TERRAIN_MASK, ROAD, 1, 64, &x, &y))
return false;
if (findObject(TERRAIN_MASK, FOREST, 1, 64, &x, &y))
return false;
if (findObject(TERRAIN_MASK, GRASS, 1, 64, &x, &y))
return false;
/* if it is not close, but near, then turn */
if (approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, ROAD, 4, 30))
return true;
if (approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, FOREST, 4, 30))
return true;
if (approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, GRASS, 4, 30))
return true;
if (approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, ROAD, 14, 30))
return true;
if (approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, FOREST, 14, 30))
return true;
if (approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, GRASS, 14, 30))
return true;
if (rnd(0, 100) < 50)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnleft);
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnright);
repeatLastKeys = 5;
Approach an enemy pill and decimate it.
Boolean approachEnemyPill(void)
ObjectInfo *ob;
u_long range;
short direction;
short da;
if (brainInfo->shells < 8)
return false;
for (ob = &brainInfo->objects[0]; ob < &brainInfo->objects[brainInfo->num_objects]; ob++)
if (ob->object == OBJECT_PILLBOX && (ob->info & OBJECT_HOSTILE))
if (brainInfo->armour <= 4 && ob->direction > 1) /* wimp out only if damaged */
range = rangeFromMe(ob);
approachSpace(ob->x, ob->y);
if ((range >> 8) >= 7)
/*sendDebugMsg(PILL_MSG, "P%d,%d", (int)(ob->x >> 8), (int)(ob->y >> 8));*/
if (ob->direction < 2)
/*sendDebugMsg(PILL_MSG, "P%d,%d", (int)(ob->x >> 8), (int)(ob->y >> 8));*/
if (ob->direction && range >> 8 <= 7) /* if not dead then kill! */
direction = aim((unsigned long)ob->x - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tankx,
(unsigned long)ob->y - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tanky);
da = brainInfo->direction - direction;
if (da < 4 && da > -4)
setkey(newTaps, KEY_shoot);
lastSeenPillx = ob->x;
lastSeenPilly = ob->y;
/*sendDebugMsg(PILL_MSG, "PS%d,%d", (int)(lastSeenPillx >> 8), (int)(lastSeenPilly >> 8));*/
return true;
if (brainInfo->armour > 4 && (lastSeenPilly || lastSeenPillx))
/*sendDebugMsg(PILL_MSG, "PS%d,%d", (int)(lastSeenPillx >> 8), (int)(lastSeenPilly >> 8));*/
approachSpace(lastSeenPillx, lastSeenPilly);
if (findrange(brainInfo->tankx, brainInfo->tanky, lastSeenPillx, lastSeenPilly) >> 8 < 15)
lastSeenPillx = lastSeenPilly = 0;
return true;
return false;
Return the nearest enemy pill.
ObjectInfo *nearestEnemyPill(WORLD_X x, WORLD_Y y)
ObjectInfo *ob, *closestPill;
u_long range, closest;
short direction;
short da;
closestPill = nil;
closest = 8 << 8; /* must be close enough to shoot */
for (ob = &brainInfo->objects[0]; ob < &brainInfo->objects[brainInfo->num_objects]; ob++)
if (ob->object == OBJECT_PILLBOX && (ob->info & OBJECT_HOSTILE))
range = findrange(ob->x, ob->y, x, y);
if (range < closest)
closest = range;
closestPill = ob;
return closestPill;
Shoot at hostiles and walls and clear mines, farm build recover man etc.
Boolean doOther(void)
If the man is far away then wait for him.
If he is very far away, then go get him.
Boolean getMan(void)
short dx, dy;
long distance;
if (brainInfo->man_status > 1) /* outside tank and alive, for now */
dx = (brainInfo->tankx >> 8) - (brainInfo->man_x >> 8);
dy = (brainInfo->tanky >> 8) - (brainInfo->man_y >> 8);
distance = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (brainInfo->manobstructed == 2 || distance > 100) /* go get him */
approachSpace(brainInfo->man_x, brainInfo->man_y);
return speedUp();
if (distance > 25)
return slowDown();
return false;
Do things with the man. Keep him safe when shells in the air.
Boolean doMan(void)
if (incoming_shells)
return false;
if (brainInfo->trees)
if (brainInfo->man_status || brainInfo->inboat)
return false;
if (buildPill())
return false;
if (buildRoad())
return false;
if (getTrees())
return false;
return false;
If we need to then build a road to make thinks go quicker.
Boolean buildRoad(void)
TERRAIN mapSpot;
mapSpot = terrainSpot();
if (mapSpot == RIVER || mapSpot == SWAMP || mapSpot == CRATER
|| mapSpot == RUBBLE || mapSpot == SWAMP)
if (mapSpot == RIVER || brainInfo->speed < 20)
brainInfo->build->action = BUILDMODE_ROAD;
brainInfo->build->x = brainInfo->tankx >> 8;
brainInfo->build->y = brainInfo->tanky >> 8;
return true;
return false;
Build a pill near our base.
Boolean buildPill(void)
if (!brainInfo->carriedpills)
return false;
if (!(brainInfo->armour <= 2 && incoming_shells)) /* if we are about to die, then build the thing */
if (!brainInfo->base) /* no base nearby */
return false;
if (brainInfo->base->info & OBJECT_HOSTILE)
return false;
if ((rangeFromMe(brainInfo->base) >> 8) > 4)
return false;
brainInfo->build->action = BUILDMODE_PBOX;
brainInfo->build->x = brainInfo->tankx >> 8;
brainInfo->build->y = brainInfo->tanky >> 8;
return true;
If we are getting low on trees, then go get some.
Boolean getTrees(void)
long range;
u_char x, y;
if (brainInfo->trees > 20)
return false;
if (terrainSpot() == FOREST)
brainInfo->build->action = BUILDMODE_FARM;
brainInfo->build->x = brainInfo->tankx >> 8;
brainInfo->build->y = brainInfo->tanky >> 8;
return true;
if (findObject(TERRAIN_MASK, FOREST, 6, 128, &x, &y))
brainInfo->build->action = BUILDMODE_FARM;
brainInfo->build->x = x;
brainInfo->build->y = y;
return true;
return false;
Tally the shots comming at us.
void countIncommingShots(void)
ObjectInfo *ob;
short n;
long dx, dy, minDist;
char dev;
// Count all shells coming towards us.
incoming_shells = 0;
minDist = 100000;
closestShot = nil;
for (n = 0; n < brainInfo->num_objects; ++n)
ob = &(brainInfo->objects[n]);
if (ob->object == OBJECT_SHOT)
/* dev = difference in the shots direction of travel and our
direction from the shot */
dx = (unsigned long)brainInfo->tankx - (unsigned long)ob->x;
dy = (unsigned long)brainInfo->tanky - (unsigned long)ob->y;
dev = ob->direction - aim(dx, dy);
if (dev > -45 && dev < 45)
if (minDist > (dx * dx + dy * dy))
minDist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
closestShot = ob;
Avoid the shots comming at us.
Boolean avoidShots(void)
if ((incoming_shells > 4 || incoming_shells >= brainInfo->armour) && closestShot)
obliquelyAvoidSpace(closestShot->x, closestShot->y);
return true;
return false;
If we are suddenly in water, then get out, and avoid it.
Boolean avoidWater(void)
if (brainInfo->inboat)
return false;
if (terrainSpot() == RIVER)
/* #### perhaps build bridge here #### */
if (approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, ROAD, 4, 30)
|| approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, FOREST, 4, 30)
|| approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, GRASS, 4, 30))
return speedUp();
if (avoidObject(TERRAIN_MASK, RIVER, 2))
return speedUp();
return false;
Avoid map square.
void avoidSpace(WORLD_X x, WORLD_Y y)
short direction;
direction = aim((unsigned long)x - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tankx,
(unsigned long)y - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tanky);
if (direction > brainInfo->direction && direction - brainInfo->direction < 128)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnleft);
else if (direction < 128 && brainInfo->direction > 128 + direction)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnleft);
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnright);
Avoid map square at an angle.
void obliquelyAvoidSpace(WORLD_X x, WORLD_Y y)
short direction, da;
direction = aim((unsigned long)x - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tankx,
(unsigned long)y - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tanky);
if (direction > brainInfo->direction)
da = direction - brainInfo->direction;
da = brainInfo->direction - direction;
if (direction > brainInfo->direction && direction - brainInfo->direction < 128)
if (da < 90)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnleft);
else if (direction < 128 && brainInfo->direction > 128 + direction)
if (da < 90)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnleft);
if (da < 90)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_turnright);
Approach map square.
void approachSpace(WORLD_X x, WORLD_Y y)
short direction;
char da, max, min;
u_long *keysToSet;
long range;
direction = aim((unsigned long)x - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tankx,
(unsigned long)y - (unsigned long)brainInfo->tanky);
da = brainInfo->direction - direction;
range = (findrange(x, y, brainInfo->tankx, brainInfo->tanky)) >> 8;
/* if (range > 8)
{max = 7; min = 2;}
else if (range > 4)
{max = 10; min = 4;}
else if (range > 2)
{max = 20; min = 7;}
{max = 90; min = 45;}*/
/*if (range > 15)
range = 15;
max = (15 - range) * 3;
min = (15 - range);*/
max = 15;
min = 2;
if (da < max && da > -max)
keysToSet = &newTaps;
keysToSet = &newKeys;
if (da < min && da > -min)
if (direction > brainInfo->direction && direction - brainInfo->direction < 128)
setkey(*keysToSet, KEY_turnright);
else if (direction < 128 && brainInfo->direction > 128 + direction)
setkey(*keysToSet, KEY_turnright);
setkey(*keysToSet, KEY_turnleft);
If we are damaged, then avoid the pillboxes.
Boolean avoidPill(void)
ObjectInfo *ob;
u_long range;
if (brainInfo->armour >= 4) /* do not avoid if we have armour */
return false;
for (ob = &brainInfo->objects[0]; ob < &brainInfo->objects[brainInfo->num_objects]; ob++)
if (ob->object == OBJECT_PILLBOX && (ob->info & OBJECT_HOSTILE))
if (ob->direction <= 2)
return false;
range = rangeFromMe(ob);
if ((range >> 8) > 8)
avoidSpace(ob->x, ob->y);
return speedUp();
return false;
Avoid enemies
Boolean avoidEnemy(void)
Avoid nearby mines if we are moving, by turning and slowing.
Boolean avoidMines(void)
u_char x, y;
Boolean mine;
if (!brainInfo->speed) /* we are stopped so no need to avoid */
return false;
mine = findObject(TERRAIN_MINE, TERRAIN_MINE, 2, 10, &x, &y);
if (!mine)
if (!findObject(TERRAIN_MINE, TERRAIN_MINE, 1, 50, &x, &y))
return false;
avoidSpace(x << 8, y << 8);
if (brainInfo->speed > MIN_SPEED)
return slowDown();
return speedUp();
Avoid going into deep water, and get out of it when dead.
Boolean avoidDeepWater(void)
if (terrainSpot() == DEEPSEA)
/*approachObject(DEEPSEA, 0, 14, 128);*/ /* anything but deepsea */
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, ROAD, 14, 128))
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, GRASS, 14, 128))
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, FOREST, 14, 128))
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, SWAMP, 14, 128))
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, RUBBLE, 14, 128))
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, HALFBUILDING, 14, 128))
if (!approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, BUILDING, 14, 128))
approachObject(TERRAIN_MASK, CRATER, 14, 128);
return speedUp();
if (avoidObject(TERRAIN_MASK, DEEPSEA, 4))
return slowDown();
return false;
Avoid nearby objects if we are moving, by turning away.
Boolean avoidObject(u_char mask, TERRAIN thing, short distance)
u_char x, y;
if (!brainInfo->speed)
return false;
if (findObject(mask, thing, distance, 45, &x, &y))
avoidSpace(x << 8, y << 8);
return true;
return false; /* no evasion needed */
Turn towards nearby objects.
Boolean approachObject(u_char mask, TERRAIN thing, short distance, short da)
u_char x, y;
if (findObject(mask, thing, distance, da, &x, &y))
approachSpace(x << 8, y << 8);
return true;
return false;
Find the thing in the map we can see.
Boolean findObject(u_char mask, TERRAIN thing, short distance, short da, u_char *x, u_char *y)
short r;
BYTE angle;
for (r = 1; r <= distance; ++r)
for (angle = 0; angle <= da; angle += 5)
wx = brainInfo->tankx + sin(brainInfo->direction + angle) * r;
wy = brainInfo->tanky - cos(brainInfo->direction + angle) * r;
if (wx >> 8 == brainInfo->tankx >> 8 && wy >> 8 == brainInfo->tanky >> 8)
if ((raw_getmapcell(wx >> 8, wy >> 8) & mask) == thing)
*x = wx >> 8;
*y = wy >> 8;
return true;
wx = brainInfo->tankx + sin(brainInfo->direction - angle) * r;
wy = brainInfo->tanky - cos(brainInfo->direction - angle) * r;
if (wx >> 8 == brainInfo->tankx >> 8 && wy >> 8 == brainInfo->tanky >> 8)
if ((raw_getmapcell(wx >> 8, wy >> 8) & mask) == thing)
*x = wx >> 8;
*y = wy >> 8;
return true;
return false;
Return the terrain info from the map location near us.
TERRAIN mapNearUs(u_char direction, char distance)
WORLD_X wx, wy;
wx = brainInfo->tankx + sin(direction) * distance;
wy = brainInfo->tanky - cos(direction) * distance;
return raw_getmapcell(wx >> 8, wy >> 8);
Return the terrain info from the map.
TERRAIN raw_getmapcell(MAP_X x, MAP_Y y)
if (x < brainInfo->view_left || y < brainInfo->view_top)
y -= brainInfo->view_top;
x -= brainInfo->view_left;
if (x >= brainInfo->view_width || y >= brainInfo->view_height)
return (brainInfo->viewdata[y * brainInfo->view_width + x]);
Send a debug msg to ourselves.
void sendDebugMsg(short msgIndex, char *theMessage, ...)
short x;
char buffer[256];
va_list ptr;
*(brainInfo->messagedest) = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (!brainInfo->sendmessage[0])
if (TickCount() < lastMsg)
if (msgIndex >= MAX_MSGS)
if (TickCount() - msgTimes[msgIndex] <= MIN_WAIT)
msgTimes[msgIndex] = TickCount();
lastMsg = TickCount() + 60;
va_start(ptr, theMessage);
buffer[0] = vsprintf((char *)buffer+1, theMessage, ptr);
for (x = 0; x <= buffer[0]; ++x)
brainInfo->sendmessage[x] = buffer[x];
Find the distance between two objects
u_long findrange(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2)
long dx, dy;
dx = x1 - x2;
dy = y1 - y2;
return (FracSqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) >> 15);
return a number between min - 1 and max
unsigned short rnd(short min, short max)
unsigned short ranNum;
long range, t;
ranNum = Random();
range = max - min;
t = (ranNum * range) / 65536;
return (t + min);
Slow down.
Boolean slowDown(void)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_slower);
clearkey(newKeys, KEY_faster);
return true;
Speed up.
Boolean speedUp(void)
setkey(newKeys, KEY_faster);
clearkey(newKeys, KEY_slower);
return true;
The terrain at the spot.
TERRAIN terrainSpot(void)
return raw_getmapcell(brainInfo->tankx >> 8, brainInfo->tanky >> 8) & TERRAIN_MASK;